Heya! Your currency preference suggests that you’re shopping from the UK.
Sorry to bait and switch with the currency selector, but you will not be able to complete checkout on this website if your delivery address is in the UK. If you are shopping from the UK, please head over to our Etsy shop.
Why doesn't Terrible Toyshop sell to the UK through this website?
The UK’s updated value-added tax (VAT) laws took effect on January 1, 2021. These laws require that international merchants who sell products to UK customers collect and remit UK VAT on sales less than £135.
As it stands, Terrible Toyshop does not make enough sales to the UK to justify the extra expense of registering for a VAT account and filing quarterly returns in the UK. That said, we’re happy to continue selling and shipping our products to the UK through our Etsy shop. Etsy collects and remits VAT for us to create a seamless shopping experience for UK customers.
Thanks for your understanding!